Hi there!

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I’m Natasha, a late twenty-something, living in the South with my crazy-wonderful New Yorker husband, Anthony, our brood of soon-to-be five and our two dogs. Join us as we share our adventures, get healthy, and manage life with five kids & our two crazy pups! I hope to always leave you inspired when you stop by my little corner of the internet, I'm so glad you're here! :)




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Thank you, sweet friend, for reading! All text and images are © 2013 by Sweet Tea & Northern Charm. Please link back or credit any content or images that you may use. We thank you so much!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

DIY Upcycled Dresser

My daughters room has been my biggest DIY project to date!

I have been hanging onto my moms' old vintage furniture for quite some time now, it has seriously been state to state with us. And I wasn't sure what to do with it. I'm one of those if I can re-use it, save money, all is well and I'm happy kind of person.

My daughter is very bright, bubbly and girly so I wanted to paint her furniture in a way that best repesented her and her personality.  

Here is the dresser before and after, I sanded, primed and painted this dresser into a custom vibrant pink color. 

Removed the knobs and painted the drawers, I used Folkart metallic gold for the design and also used their stencil for the drawer work.

Finished results!

Primer // Zinsser
Chalk Paint //  Americana Decor
Stencil //  FolkArt 
Gold Paint // FolkArt

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