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I’m Natasha, a late twenty-something, living in the South with my crazy-wonderful New Yorker husband, Anthony, our brood of soon-to-be five and our two dogs. Join us as we share our adventures, get healthy, and manage life with five kids & our two crazy pups! I hope to always leave you inspired when you stop by my little corner of the internet, I'm so glad you're here! :)




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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

9 New Baby Must Haves

I'm a well seasoned mommy with baby number three however, not all babies love the same thing. Not everything made my list because, I feel like once people find out you're expecting they will get you everything else.

Trial and error with two previous babies, a few items have proven their worth and officially made the cut for my new baby must haves. With that said, your baby may love or possibly even hate every item on this list. Sorry, babies seem to be tricky like that. So without further a due my 9 new baby must haves:

1. SwaddleMe Blankets :  OK, I may be a momma of three, but when it comes to swaddling my babies .. I'm a bit swaddle stupid. I can never get them tight enough and regular swaddling blankets just seem really complicated. The SwaddleMe blankets are so much easier and make life a breeze! It's super easy just two flaps and velcro and you can get them super tight. No more worrying if baby is going to wiggle free or get tangled in these.

2. Burts Bee's Baby Bee Shampoo & Wash : Because it is gentle, all natural with NO harsh chemicals and makes your baby smell delicious.  The end.

3. Happy Wrap : Super comfy, light weight, and fully adjustable. These are jersey knit and ideal for those hot summer days, they are super breathable and make baby wearing bearable for momma and baby.

4. Fisher Price Infant Seat : I actually splurged and got the deluxe one that bounces. It's fuzzy, sweet and it plays little lullabies and well..I'm a sap. But it's so cozy, it vibrates and it is seriously magical for those "I have to get the dishes washed or else" in the kitchen naps. Though sometimes I think these are fairly limited (they don't have that umph for bouncing when baby gets older), but it is a really nice item to have for that very sleepy newborn stage.  

5. Sleep & Play PJ's : For almost the first month I dressed Ezra in these footed snap-up sleep and plays. They are just super easy to deal with, not a lot of fuss, and they keep baby nice and cozy. Plus if you're really feeling cute, some of them have little animals on the feet and bottom. Who doesn't want cute little wiggle toed animals?!

6. Boppy Pillow : Gosh, these things are amazing and have a multitude of uses. They are perfect for when you'er nursing, tummy time, and helping baby sit. They are a breeze to care and clean and with all the covers they make for them, they are easily interchangeable. 

7. Co-Sleeper & Pack-n-Play: OK these are great! If you are nervous about co-sleeping, you can easily place baby in the napper for the night and place this right next to the bed for comfort and ease. This also transitions into a pack-n-play for when baby gets older, plus it has tons of features as well. This is my top go to baby item and they are lovely when you want to go into different parts of the house, just roll it to where ever you want to go. Not to mention they are perfect for travel!

8. Sound Machine : Oh my goodness what baby doesn't like white noise?! Having white noise play in the background really does help baby sleep and anything that helps with that cause is so worth it! 

9. Lansinoh :  This is a MUST to have in your diaper bag and extra for around the house.If you are breastfeeding, this stuff is like gold! I don't care what the lactation consultants (or other well seasoned BF mom's) tell you; the first few weeks or even month of nursing can hurt like no other. OK so hurting nipples could be a sign that baby isn't latching right, but it also could mean that, well, your body hasn't adjusted to nursing yet. This will help and does wonders on those cracked dried nipples.

So what about you? What are or were some of your favorite new baby must haves?

1 comment

  1. Thank SO much for this! Definitely taking notes and adding to my lists!


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