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I’m Natasha, a late twenty-something, living in the South with my crazy-wonderful New Yorker husband, Anthony, our brood of soon-to-be five and our two dogs. Join us as we share our adventures, get healthy, and manage life with five kids & our two crazy pups! I hope to always leave you inspired when you stop by my little corner of the internet, I'm so glad you're here! :)




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Sunday, December 13, 2015

A DIY Girls Guide to EPIC Red Hair

love red hair. 

Heck I should have been born a ginger, because I've had a serious epic journey with red hair.

Anyone who has ever dyed their hair red knows the struggle. I've either been too brown, too red, too blonde, and everywhere in between.

There have been times where I've been too blonde, extreme fire engine red, copper and way too brassy. There have been times where I've used the same formula and have gotten different results. 

Doing your hair on your own can be challenging and sometimes very frustrating. However, I wanted to show you what I've used and the results I've gotten. Hopefully this will save you from some of that heartache I've experienced.

1. John Frieda Precision Foam Colour Salon Trends in Firey Copper Sands 7CC

                        (with flash)
This was my 'go to' red for years until they changed the formula. It was the most natural looking red I've ever had and probably my favorite I've had.

2. Ion Color Brilliance Permanent Creme 5R Light Red Brown
I thought this would be similar to my previous color from John Frieda. I thought it would be red with just enough brown to look "natural". However, this was too muddy for my likening and I was not a fan. 

3. Ion Color Brilliance Permanent Creme Dark Red 
I loved this red because it was dark but still bright enough to pass as natural however, it faded pretty quickly. I had to re-do it at least a few times before my wedding to my previous husband.

4. Paul Mitchell Hair Color in 9RO: Shiny Penny
I like shades of copper but this color alone was just too copper red for me. I like a more natural looking red so the next round I had my best girlfriend make up a more natural looking color blend but still incorporate the copper tones.

5. Paul Mitchell Hair Color in 9RO,8C and 6R
Four weeks after application then reapplied:
I really love this brand and the fade out was very minimal! I had my friend use three different colors to achieve this unique shade. However, even though we used the same ratio of each color; every time the color turned out different with each application. It was still pretty and looked natural. 

6. Wella Color Charm in 8RG Titian Red Blonde and 8G Light Golden Blonde
      (Natural light mid afternoon)
I'm still kind of iffy about this combination, it's a lot lighter then what I'm accustomed to. It's definitely a very bright strawberry blonde (in certain lighting, I feel like it looks a little orange).

7. Wella Color Charm in 8RG and 6NN light auburn 
This is my current color and I love it! Still dark enough to pass as natural and yet still have a hint of the golden red that I like. My pervious color was pretty however it wasn't dark enough for me and it started looking more orange to me as I washed and styled my hair. So I mixed 1 oz of the titian red and 2oz of the light auburn color. I left the bottom portion of my hair with the previous color to give it more of a (faux) ombré look, but it's really only noticeable in the light/during the day. I made it pretty blended and I've gotten a lot of compliments on this color.

*Remember* I am not a professional colorist, just simply a girl who isn't afraid to experiment and do her color at home.
I will continue to update this post as I continue my red hair adventure! :) Enjoy!

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