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I’m Natasha, a late twenty-something, living in the South with my crazy-wonderful New Yorker husband, Anthony, our brood of soon-to-be five and our two dogs. Join us as we share our adventures, get healthy, and manage life with five kids & our two crazy pups! I hope to always leave you inspired when you stop by my little corner of the internet, I'm so glad you're here! :)




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Thank you, sweet friend, for reading! All text and images are © 2013 by Sweet Tea & Northern Charm. Please link back or credit any content or images that you may use. We thank you so much!

Friday, July 1, 2016

DMS is a B*!

DMS (delayed muscle soreness) in layman's terms, is where it takes a while for the muscle (or a group of muscles) to become sore. 

It's straight up a total B*! to deal with.

I did arms on Monday, 10 reps 3x for 4 different arm exercises and totally didn't feel sore at all  -minus my elbow joint on my right arm which was injured in a car accident 8 years ago. Tuesday rolled around, felt great, zero issues, did some stuff around the house, picked up the baby you know usual stuff that us 'stay-at-home-moms' do. 

However, it wasn't until Wednesday that all hell broke loose and all of my upper body was completely stiff and sore. Being a massage therapist, I kind of understand DMS and how our bodies respond to new things. But I wasn't fully anticipating it would take two days for my body to be like: 

"Wait... holy caca! You actually were doing something other than sitting and lifting the baby!"

But sometimes, I do question if I made the right choice, stepping out of my comfort zone completely and pushing my mind and body to do things that I feel like I'm incapable to do. Anthony says with my body type I shouldn't have an issues I have broad shoulders, a small waist, large hips and big thigh and it's easy to get those points on my body where they need to be. 

I don't know, maybe I'm just terrified that I'll fail. 

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