I haven't been in the gym in over a week.
Not going is really starting to make me a little agitated. I'm aggravated already because I'm serious about making gains, hitting my goals and being in the gym but at the same time, I don't have a member ship to the gym.
I still kind of struggle with some of the technique and I'm too chicken to just go and do it on my own and do the exercises that I know and have been doing. The reason for not going this week isn't because I don't want to go, but it has been so hot here and my husband hasn't been up for going because of it. On top of that my work schedule is a little off this week and our baby sitter is only available at certain hours. And trying to sink up our available time together and work with the sitter has been a little difficult this week.
I'm hoping by Friday things will start to cool off, our schedules will line up again and we can hit the gym hard Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If worse comes to worse, I'll buck up pay the membership and go the gym myself. If I want to be on that stage in spring, I really need to start training harder, eating better (I need to start cutting out my morning carbs), and really start to focus on those goals.
I get so frustrated because I already can see the difference my body has made not only in appearance but my body mechanics are changing too and I want to keep going, I want to keep pushing and I don't want to regress. But my confidence in myself still isn't where it needs to be yet and this is something that I've been struggling with too. Not just in the gym but my whole entire life I've struggled with self-esteem and my confidence level.
I learned through this week there are going to be times where my husband doesn't want to go to the gym, and that's fine I get that. But I need to stop being so reliant on him and go. I know the work out I know how many reps and sets to do, it's just that confidence level still needs a giant boost.
So my goal for the next few weeks (or months) is to really start working on my confidence as well as my form and technique.
If you have any ideas, suggestions or even a book that could help me out please let me know by leaving me a comment or an email! I love hearing from you guys!
Hope you have a wonderful Thursday,
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